“Shine like the whole universe is yours” Rumi
1. International Speaker:
+ Female Founders New York, USA
+ Trends in Kids & Youth Marketing, NL
+ Köln International School of Design, DE
+ Information Design Association, UK
And many more!
By usually receiving the highest score when several speakers are part of an event, where the client choses the topic, and where Marijn knows how to tune into the audience's curiosity and needs. She is touching the core of a specific theme in an interactive way, with memorable stories and live drawing.
Have you been to a Speaker Session, or do you want more information?
Check: Speaker Session
2. In the Media:
+ FastCompany
+ Glamour
+ Cosmopolitan, etc.
+ Pinterest Live (selected to be 1 hour live on Pinterest as only person on the planet)
+ We went several times viral online with Paper Pathfinder (+5M reach in total)
+ Interview by Jorn Luka;
3. Exhibitions:
+ Dongdaemun Design Plaza Museum, Seoul South Korea
+ Envelope Exhibition, Read, United Kingdom
4. Awards:
+ Red Dot 2015
+ IF Award 2015
+ DDA Finalist 2014
1. Client, Interview & Speaker Session introduction material:
+ CV Marijn van Oosten: LinkedIn
+ Photography material:
Photo’s Marijn van Oosten
Biography Speaker Session:
Marijn van Oosten is a Visual Visionary who brings the future into the now, in a practical, visual way (via design & art), where the focus is to create the fundament for society (both individual and the collective) to flourish from their natural state of being. She’s making the invisible layers of life tangible, by visualizing the source in a way everyone can join.
2. Artist/Designer Exposure:
Marijn’s Style
We love to support hidden gems!
Fellow designers/artists, entrepreneurs, and organic products with visibility.
We support visibility in the categories: style, care, products, art, and business tools.
Marijn’s Favorites:
+ Favo Style (including Clothing, Accessories)
+ Favo Care & Cosmetics
+ Favo Products
+ Favo Art Tools
+ Favo Business Tools (UKIO)
We’re matching with:
Organic (when possible), sustainability, natural materials, nature, elegance (like no visible logo’s), practicality, quality, colors, fine textures.
Would you like to join?
Please send us via mail@ukio.co:
+ Your name
+ Your companies name
+ Name product/piece
+ Gift / lend / price (incl. sending costs)
+ Photo(s) item
+ Measurements
+ SM platform you’d like us to share it
David will let you know if and how we proceed, including details, like sizes, etc.
For now; thank you in advance for your interest, and effort. Plus keep the unique work going!
3. Extra Favorites of Marijn:
Thank-you options:
+ Written note
+ Flowers, or unique plant seeds.
+ Anything related to colors (e.g. paint)
+ Favo Presents
+ Or give flowers to a beloved or random person.
Inspiration is there to be shared!
Favo Artistic Styles
Favo Art by Artists
Favo Artists
Favo Media (including Books)
Favo Food & Drinks
Marijn’s Inspiration Boards:
Human Beauty
UKIO’s Inspiration Boards:
Ancient Art
Micro versus Aerial
Also per Art & Design project we do have our Inspiration Boards, which is part of the research, we’ll publish these boards publicly when the right moment is there.