Your Visual Source totally tangible and ready to realize

where we guarantee 99% of your
In 1-5 visuals where you timeless way
Save a huge amount of time, money, and energy + Create a huge amount of time, money, and energy


1. Visual Blueprint

Your time:
8-hour Session

The essence of your:
+ Unique Being with a huge reach
+ Organization or start-up
+ Legacy

For who:
Visionaries, founders, CEO-level.
Representation of who carries the soul of the organization.
Max: 5 people per session.

Setting during the session:
- No mobiles on.
- Everyone is open during the full session.
- Organic drinks & food are available.
Location is chosen by the client, we do have special locations available e.g. in Susch (Switzerland), Mallorca (Spain), and Sardinia (Italy), but this has to be booked by the client self.

Price & delivery:
The price is €250.000, excl. 21% tax, including travel costs for Marijn.
The delivery is sent within 45 days.
Visuals are delivered as:
+ Photo Sketch
+ Original Artwork
+ PDF of Artwork
+ NFT of Artwork

Please understand we only schedule appointments showing the Visual Blueprint Pitch with the person who is the decision-maker of booking the Visual Blueprint.

There is 1 Visual Blueprint available every last week of the month because it takes UKIO a full month to transform the session into digital visuals.
You can book here below, Geertje will confirm the location with you, and sends the invoice.
The Visual Blueprint is officially booked when half of the invoice is paid 2 weeks before the session.
This amount is non-refundable because it’s covering the 8-hour session.

2. Visual Quest: Mexico

Your time:
1,5-week Retreat

The essence of:
+ Leadership based on vision-into-the-now.
+ Creation via Air Skills (intuition, imagination, etc.) as standard.
+ An issue or topic that you’re bringing in to be solved.

For who:

Visionaries, founders, CEO-level.
Max: 12 people per retreat.
To fully support and strengthen their role for the collective and/or organization.
To carry the responsibility of a huge part of the collective, this person needs to be in shape like an athlete on many fronts, therefor we designed the Visual Quest retreat to facilitate support in the most efficient way.

Setting during the session:
- No mobiles on during sessions.
- Everyone is open during the full session.
It’s including a balanced interaction of daily guided meditation, guided sports/hiking by Hannah Rojer, healthy food, adventure, ongoing insights, both 1-on-1 and group core visualization, and lifelong connection.

Price & delivery:
The price is €250.000 per person, excl. 21% tax, drinks, insurance & travel costs.
Including accommodation, food, local transport, activities, and all sessions.
Optional: book before or after the trip, Visual Blueprint.

Interested? + for more details:
Fill in this form and we will contact you when the date is available.

3. Visual Topic

Your time:
2,5-hour Session

The essence of:
+ Life question
+ Relationship
+ Department/team/group issue
+ Small Company

For who:
Anyone starting from 16 years old.
Max: 2 people per session.

Setting during the session:
- No mobiles on.
- Everyone is open during the full session.

Price & delivery:
The price is €55.000, excl. 21% tax.
The delivery is sent within 45 days.
Visuals are delivered as:
+ Photo Sketch
+ Original Artwork
+ PDF of Artwork
+ NFT of Artwork

4. Visual Focus

Your time:
15-minute Session

The essence of:
+ Personal question

For who:
Anyone starting from 12 years old.
Max: 1 person.

Setting during the session:
You can see this as 10-therapy-sessions-in-1, including it’s fun!

Price & delivery:
The price is €500 per session, including:
+ Original Artwork
+ Photo of Artwork
+ NFT of Artwork

Date + Location:

8th February: The Villy
1st March: online + The Villy Amsterdam
5th April: online + location to be announced
3rd May: “
7th June: “
7th July: “
2nd August: “
6th September: “
4th October: “
1st November: “
6th December: “




1. Visual Blueprint

3. Visual Topic

Josée Gobets:

”I have experienced our session as very special and very valuable and I think it is incredibly clever how you managed to unravel my themes so finely and sharply and put them in place in those few hours. The trilogy (3 steps) as you indicated in response to what I indicated. A number of points needed a little more to say the right word or striking sentence, which eventually felt completely correct. That is how I look back on it too: everything that was said and discussed is completely correct for me. It's also nice that you put certain things into perspective for me, such as my deep fears that you think have been an experience from a previous/parallel life, and that I can leave it there. You have seen and read me and described in the clear language where I am on my way and what I can leave behind. What still keeps me busy is the jump to the other bump (as you drew it) and connecting the various blocks. How that will take shape is not yet tangible to me. First think about connecting the blocks together and I trust that this will go naturally.
-Note from UKIO; this was taken care of in the 30-minute session-
It's also nice that you wanted to put the last dot on the i at the end and that it was also completely correct.”

4. Visual Focus

“Inspiring, Marijn asks the right questions and you feel right at ease with her. Through our meeting, I had a better picture of my question and answer and she really provoked my thoughts. 

I have become more aware of my feelings and how I can translate them into thoughts and faith.

She asks the right questions, gives you new insights, and thinks with you. You're going to get away enthusiastically, with a lot of sense to further shape your new insights.”

“It’s a personal session with a very gifted person. She guides you in a very special, visual way. I had a very special and intense session with Marijn.

Did not know what to expect, but the moment I came in, something happened. She asked the right questions and made a nice and interesting visual for me.

It had been a long time since I felt so much energy and excitement. Thank you!”