UKIO Foundation is to connect children
with themselves and each other around the world

We have the presentation, a one-pager, the 3-step scaling planning, a financial overview, 20-year project development & research, and pilots realized.
We reached over 170 children with over 60+ nationalities.

Most importantly: we guided and collaborated with children to realize the symbols that visualize their inner-world experience: their current situation & purpose.

Let’s make World Child Symbol happen!


1. World Child Symbol

We create a safe space for children to visualize their inner world in symbols.
Marijn developed a unique method for children to accept where they are and empower their inner vision of the(ir) future.

2. Till now

2006: The first draft was created, to have symbols on a bracelet, to travel around the world with symbols that are universally connecting with children.
2008: The Symbol project became for children because they carry a universal drawing style: stick figures!
2009: We did lots of research. Also at this time, neuroscience shared that replacing a negative event; with a postive story changes the neuropathy in your brain. That’s why we develop 2 symbols per child. Other research shared that children learn 20 times faster through playful interaction/settings, which we totally provide. And we do think that the power of imagination through creating art (drawing, making music, creating little plays) is not even fully researched yet.
2010: We also collaborated with children who are deaf, they loved the project!
2011: Invited to ICAF (International Child Art Festival) in Washington D.C. (USA), where we could do our first pilot. Starting at ICAF, which took place in front of the White House, was an instant hit.
2014: Intensive collaboration with War Child to fine-tune and match the method with their way of working.
2017: Several organizations in Kobe (Japan) joined, although sadly it was last minute canceled by the sponsor. The plus point is, that when there is funding, we have a ready-to-go setting in Japan.
2024: We arrived in Geneva and visited Terre des hommes!

3. Short explanation + answers on your questions (Q&A)

Here will be the video posted after receiving your questions via the form below.

4. Collaboration Partners

  1. We were invited in 2011 to the International Child Art Festival in Washington D.C. (USA), and here we realized the pilot, which was a huge success!

  2. We collaborated with War Child (HQ Amsterdam, Netherlands) to make the project waterproof for children in War areas, with the focus, that when the project fits with them, it fits will all organisations.

  3. In Kobe (Japan), we also collaborated with local organizations, which was a tiny adventure.

5. Fine-tuning Collaboration (first draft)
Grow Differently Together’ stands for everyone in their maximum strength so we all can flourish, a full win-win-win. Below we wrote down the first draft, please know, that this is a first draft and adjustable.
Example: All (Tdh, sponsor, UKIO) share all names (and logos) during any expression of communication.

Note 1: As co-creation UKIO has the author on the method by guiding children they’re capable of designing symbols, the symbols are the author of the children (creation exchange) where UKIO receives the user rights, and by making small adjustments, to connect all symbols visually together, the final design becomes UKIO’s author right: to reach other children.

Marijn & UKIO:
+ Method development
+ Session
+ Permission participation form parents (user rights, visibility children)
+ Photography
+ Video’s & Documentary
+ Social Media plan & execution
+ Web-shop

Terre des hommes:
+ Network, including Sponsor
+ Children on location
+ Local specialists & interpreter
+ Safe sleepover space
+ Local transport
+ Eventually food & drinks

+ Creating symbols, learn life skill to self express
+ Receiving life-long activating symbols
+ Own symbol on T-shirt
+ Memorable day
+ Helping & reaching other children
+ Giving their (inner)voice to the world
+ Alive involvement, participation & contribution to the world
+ Maximizing self-knowledge & chances
+ Understanding themselves & others


6. Timeline & Financial Overview

+ The Timeline will be added as a planning proposal via a URL (Google Sheets) after our next meeting.
+ The financial overview URL (Google Sheets) will be added here after our next meeting.

7. Conclusion, reach & Campaign Plan

Yes, we are prepared at the UKIO Foundation!
And we keep the Campaign Plan as a surprise to start our collaboration successfully.
Of course, also here we love to merge our both timelines together into prosperity.


Questions from Marijn to Terre des Hommes:
+ How can we let the children interact even more?
+ Is giving a T-shirt your preference or e.g. a mug? Or something else?
+ In orange & green areas: can we turn it into a celebration day?
+ Which locations would be great to start with?
+ How does Tdh describe the level of conditions children are in? Here we can check at which level children can join.
+ Although War Child prepared me with information for War/red areas, I’d like to do a short training for the areas where needed.

For questions to Marijn:
Please fill in the form, email us at or call: +41 78 321 55 23

Book here your appointment as a sponsor.

Social Media:
UKIO Foundation Linkedin
UKIO Foundation Youtube
UKIO Foundation will be soon on Tiktok!