“Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world.” Rumi


1. Speaker Session Review & After Care

How was your Speaker Session?
We’d love to hear from you, both as review and/or feedback.
Also you’ll find the after care below the Review From, enjoy!

Here’s the Review Form!

2. Get your Visual Present of the Speaker Session

You can receive or buy a copy of the Artwork of the Speaker Session, you can order the visual below.

Delivery Copy Artwork:
+ A4 paper (optional on 0,5 mm foam board) copy of Original Artwork, signed.
+ A4 PDF

3. Information for booking Speaker Sessions

All issues are carrying a core essence, where Marijn is able to focus on: tune in & visualize in a way the audience understand the invisible layers on both the issue and the solution.

Here are Topic examples:
+ Futuristic topics, like AI improvement, etc.
+ Entrepreneurship, collaboration in flow.
+ Alignin, clarity of inner world, using imagination, natural state of being.
+ Air Skills activating the unknown in a playful way.
+ Societal Issues and how to fundamentally solve them.
+ The power of visual (design/art) approach, including user friendliness.

Since we do need to include traveling time, please book a meeting with Geertje to align availability.